Monday, July 29, 2013

Succulent Propagation

Succulents are a relative of the cactus. They come in all shapes and sizes but share a few common characteristics. Their thick leaves allow them to retain large amounts of water, making them a low-maintenance houseplant. Succulents  are native to African deserts. Therefore, they can only survive outdoors in warm climates.
All this being said, succulents are a perfect houseplant that come with a baby-making bonus. 


Step 1: Pull a few leaves off of the base of  your succulent using a twisting motion. Be sure to leave no leave flesh on the mother plant.
Step 2: Place them on the surface of a container of dirt.
Step 3: Mist them once a week until pink roots start to form.
Step 4: Once the roots have formed, mist them every other day to ensure growth.
Step 5: After the leaf has shriveled up and the baby succulent has a substantial amount of roots, plant it into its own pot.
Step 6: Water it as you would any other succulent (once a week).

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